Do you need a custom MemberVault 404 page?

I was a little bit excited when the ability to create your own 404 page in MemberVault was announced. It's one of those "nice-to-have" quick wins that could make a difference to your user experience and even sales!  It's also an area that can seem techy (but it really isn't) so I'll unpack what it's about starting with basics. I'll answer questions like: What is a 404 page? Do you need to create a custom one in MemberVault? How is a 404 page useful?  Let's get straight ...

January 2024 Tech and Marketing Updates

In this month's update, we'll take a look at the recent email marketing saga around authentication, Instagram's new feature, Facebook's API changes, an awesome tech tool deal and more. Key sections Quick Links Email Marketing Changes Instagram Flipside Facebook Group API Changes Tech Tool Deal (MemberVault) Audio version Quick Links Some may be referral links which means I may get a small commission or just brownie points 😂 MemberVault Lifetime Deal ($500 off for the first 100 ...

How to give your email subscribers a soft way to opt out

Whenever we get close to a sales promo season, I get an uptick in queries around soft opt-outs. This is where you give your email subscribers a chance to opt out of a specific campaign, without fully unsubscribing. Like when you check that your BFF is ready for the long tea before you start the story.  This strategy is quite handy just before a particularly "passionate" sales campaign. Or emails around topics/seasons that can be emotionally triggering. You may have noticed more brands sending ...

Are you making the most of your MemberVault product thank you page?

After someone signs up to your MemberVault product, they'll see the text in your Sign Up Confirmation area. 💭 What information do you have in yours?  MemberVault have helpfully added some default text so your customers will see their login credentials if you don't touch it.  But, you can edit the text and make that area do some serious heavy lifting for you. Some ideas below!  MemberVault Thank You Page Content Ideas  Sign up confirmation message Their login credentials A very, very ...

Are you missing out on MemberVault's full potential?

How do you know what you don't know about MemberVault? Could you be missing out on awesome ways to maximise MemberVault's potential? Well, I've got a feature finder, knowledge gap filler thing that could be just what you need.

How to trigger emails on lesson, module and product completion via MemberVault

You can use MemberVault Actions to trigger an email when a user completes a quiz, lesson, module or product! It's awesome!

Adding video to emails in Mailchimp

There are 4 ways to add a video to your Mailchimp email : Use the image block to add an image with a link to the video If it's YouTube or Video, you use the Video block Use the code block to add your image embed code Use the Playable integration - though it has its limitations  Pro tip: For method 1, use a GIF instead of an image for that interactive element!

March Updates

What a roller-coaster the first quarter of 2022 has been! Or is it just me?  I won't bore you with the details, you can join my email list for that pleasure 😀 You get the highlights instead!  Talks & workshops  The replay of the FREE email marketing masterclass - is here The List Building and Email Marketing As A Service workshops will be available on replay soon Did a few guest talks on list building. Turns out it's one of my topics I can talk about with no ...

How to start building an email list

You've probably heard that the money is in the list. But it can be a minefield figuring out where to start! It's an area I get a ton of questions about so it's about time I recorded my answer somewhere! Here are 3 simple steps to list building: 1. Work out what your audience is struggling with right now and find where they hang out 2. Create a quick to action, free or low-cost solution based on step 1 3. Pick an email tool and set it up to automatically deliver your awesome solution There's a ...

3 ways MemberVault can help you grow your email list

List building doesn't have to be hard! Here are 3 ways (and an advanced tip), that MemberVault can help you grow your email list!


Not Just Another Email List!

Want to get emails that you might actually want to read? I've gotten lots of lovely feedback about my emails - easy to read, action-packed and fun too. Don't worry, it's not one of those daily, inbox-filling affairs!

About Me & the Tech Hub

Image of Vicky Coded Vector

I'm Vicky and I'm on a mission to make tech less scary! I can get your systems up and running with as little tech fuss as possible or teach you how to do it yourself (or for others if you're a VA)!

In the Tech Hub you'll find freebies, DIY courses, done-with-you training sessions, and I can also take it completely off your hands.

My zone of awesomeness is around websites, email marketing and getting systems to behave nicely together.

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