Blog Are you missing out on MemberVault's full potential?

Are you missing out on MemberVault's full potential?


Hey fellow MemberVaulter (is that a term?), 

A theme that pops up a lot on my MV radar is "I don't know what I don't know about MemberVault".

Say you've got the basics figured out but you keep seeing posts about amazing features that you've got no idea about. Or you've got this nagging thought that you could be using MV better or that you're missing something but you're not quite sure what 🤔

For sometime now I've been musing about creating something in this space. But MemberVault already have an extensive knowledge base, an active support channel and a very responsive Facebook group. What could I do to complement that? (Competing wouldn't really make sense). 

My "What You Don't Know" Solution

I think I've finally landed on an idea that might just work. Well, that has got me excited enough to give it a try.

It's going to feature a quiz of sorts to find out what you already know about MemberVault and what you'd like to work on next. Then you'll automatically get a list of recommendations with an option deep dive into some key areas. 

I'll share my thoughts on implementation strategies so you decide whether a particular feature is for you. Hopefully, this will minimise FOMO if you're a shiny object chaser like me! Or help you unleash the MV's full potential. 

What it won't be

It's very much for education rather than a "how to turn your MV into a sales machine". So don't expect headlines like "How I made 10k with MemberVault's link redirect feature".

As tantalising as that sounds, and even if that were true, it's not my way of doing things. 

It's also not permanent live access to me. There will be some chat element which I'm still fine-tuning but as I also offer MV audits and strategy sessions, this needs to take less effort. 

Want a link? 

Let's explore MV one feature at a time! 


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I'm Vicky and I'm on a mission to make tech less scary! I can get your systems up and running with as little tech fuss as possible or teach you how to do it yourself (or for others if you're a VA)!

In the Tech Hub you'll find freebies, DIY courses, done-with-you training sessions, and I can also take it completely off your hands.

My zone of awesomeness is around websites, email marketing and getting systems to behave nicely together.

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